
My Photo
Location: United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A mountain view - Catamount

New York has some awesome mountains. A couple summers ago I climbed up one with my papa, brother, aunt Tina, and Uncle Tom. Oh-yeah, and Victor (the doggy!). I believe this one was Catamount if I remember (and read the marker) correctly.

The marker from the top of the moutain:

My bro, myself, and Victor chilling at the top.

The cloudy, but still amazing view from the top. S'good stuff. ^^

Aunt Tina and I perched on the edge.

My papa and I along the trail. Some of the biggest, neatest rocks lined that trail. It also had some of the most facinating trees. ^^

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Table top doodles and a dog

On to the pictures! >.>

When Crossfire was happenin we had tablecloths in the Cafe where you could doodle with crayons. Sharron and Caroline got doodling at it and of course, I took pictures.

The Mouse:

The Pig:

And then there's Fred:

Yes... I know. After no updating I put up doodles from a paper tablecloth. So here's Roxy being cute to make up for it. *shrug*

Monday, February 13, 2006

An epic battle

Here we have the epic battle that happened one rainy day when the family decided to go on a picnic. My bro thought it would be funny to try and push my dad into the puddle. The results, as carefully recorded by me, follow here.

The starting of the taunting...

Then before he knows it.. My bro is in the air...

And the results....

^^ Yup. S'fun. And you can see my littlest bro pop in and out of a few of the pictures. Oh such fun. Teehee...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A selection of animals

Alrighty. Here we have my cute puppies and Caroline's cute kitties. ^^

This is little Chico sitting on my mum's lap. He's my brother's dog, but he likes me too. Loud annoying bark, but he's the sweetest thing once he likes you. ^^ Fun to cuddle with. (He's a chihuahua btw)

This little gal is Roxy. We got her at the shelter so all we know is that she is at least part s h i t -tsu. She loves people and has the cutest little underbite.

This guy is one of Caroline's two cats. His name is Vincent. He thumps his paw at this door durning book club and it is one of the cutest things -ever-. ^^

Skittles is Caroline's other kitty. I swear this cat poses for pictures. I have a tun of *her in some of the cutest, silliest poses for a kitty ever. ^^

*Edit: My bad... You think I'd catch on to these things after awhile.. So skittles is a she...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A smidgen of sky

*laughs* I knew it. Well this means I'll put up 4 pictures today. >.> Not that anything changes as far as my procrastinating. Here we have some that were -not- taken on my camera phone. Plus one of my attempts at computer art. *falls over laughing* (btw. If you want to see the pictures better, click on them.)

My prom dress from '04. Still fun as anything to swirl around in. Also wore it for the 4D In His Image Trip when all us gals dressed up s'fancy. ^^..... and yes. My wonderful Korean blanket is in this one as well. Papa brought it back to me from his trip. ^^

This lovely one was taken on the way to a youth trip down at Triple R Ranch. This is from the first time my youth group went and we stayed in the little cabins. Anne and I were playing with my camera in the car on the way there. *grins* I love it when the clouds make the sun shoot rays. I love it even more when I can get pictures of it.

This is something I was attempting to make for a story my friend Michelle and I are going to write someday. ^^ At the moment we call it "Back into Midieval Times". I've kinda become in charge of figuring out these crystals we've brained stormed up and as far as i'm figuring they look sorta like this only much much -much- cooler. Element based, "magic" crystals that bond with the wearer to incress the wearer's abilities. Ummm. *shrugs* The idea still has bugs.

And lastly here's a beautiful sunset from the farm. I must have sat outside clicking my camera the whole time the sun went down just to get this one. I love the sky. ^^ But it's still oh-so-fun to blame.

Friday, February 03, 2006

A taste of random

Alrighty then. Why ruin a good thing if it still works, eh? Here we go with a few more pictures from my cell phone. They're the easiest to get to right now. ^^ First off we have the light glare off of Mrs. C's counter. Caroline, I know you're laughing at me now. *halo*

And Just because I know she is, I'll stick up this one. Beautiful multicolored poke-a-dotted flip flops. They look fun, don't they?

This one looks a tad bit different because it was before i figured out the proper way to get the pictures off my phone. ^^; This is a picture from a book that a little kid i babysat liked. It's about a boy who cuts off most of his hair and then goes throughout the story with a bag on his head. Good stuff. *grin*Now to finish off this random set we have a picture of my large safety pin stuck into my chick-fil-a cup. Yes it all the way through the cup and then clipped back together. Oh yeah. And you can sorta just slightly see my 'brother' Yannick in the background. Kat was with us as well that day. Had great fun with them both at the mall eating lots of good chocolate cookies and looking at movies. Great times.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A little bit of interesting

Welcome! Alrighty then, here I am sitting at the computer staring at again, another web blog. Yes! Another chance for me to fail at updating something! Huzzah for me! We shall see how this goes. I desided that since I take a lot of odd pictures and have other oddities around my room, why not post them for some unsuspecting people to see? Good fun. If nothing else I guess it will be a personal collection of my weirdness. Yay!

I'll not dilly-dally at this then. First up here we have a nice one from Fossil beach:

These green covered chunks of rock were along the beach that my dad and I go to for collecting whale bone fossils. Amazing place. I'll have to post some pictures of the fossils . I never ever remember to bring my good camera so I'm always out there with my camera phone snapping pictures. Wonderfully to my surprise it's like the only place my camera phone actually works -really really- well. ^^

These rocks just cried "Look at me?! Aren't we weirdly cool!?" *shrug*

Here's another one that is always amusing every time we go. I guess at one point they just dumbed a bunch of debree and cement down along this beach to try to help with erosion. Beyond that I'll just let this one speak for itself.

Again with the weird cement stuff along this beach. I donno. It's just fun to take pictures of. *grins*